Why did OneSearch Direct decide to work with Hoowla?

Ronnie Park, owner of OneSearch Direct talks about his decision to work with innovative conveyancing platform provider Hoowla in an interview with Today’s Conveyancer.

Ronnie Park comments:

‘We are increasingly looking at ourselves as a data business in the search industry and we have a new mantra about cooperation with other parties and even with competitors. One company can’t be an expert in everything. So as a data business we want to combine with other data people – innovative people. Hoowla is very good at what it does with brains just out of university – it’s a young business with a fresh approach. And we’re very good at what we do – over 22 years we have built an unrivalled and vast database containing electronic and therefore searchable local authority information.  Working with companies like Hoowla will make that information more accessible to our customer base. So it’s a good fit.

Hoowla has a light business model – lawyers can use their case management systems; they can pay as they go; there are no legacy systems involved.  I’d been keen to move towards a simplified system that brings information closer to the lawyer for a long time and working with Hoowla seems the perfect way of achieving this.’

Read the full interview with Ronnie Park on Today’s Conveyancer


OneSearch Direct is the largest local authority data search company in the UK investing around £10million over two decades in its data collection methodology. Ronnie Park, managing director of OneSearch Direct is also a founding executive member of CoPSO, the Council of Property Search Organisations. For further information please visit:  http://www.onesearchdirect.co.uk